“In the case of sensitive data transfer from one environment to another, it is of importance that the process remains secure and fast. By providing a highly agile and custom solution, MLens enables its clients to have full control over their data transmission, masking and compression.”

-MLens user

Feature Comparison

Capabilities WANdisco Fusion Cloudera BDR MLens
Data Merge

Cluster-cluster Data Migration

Zero Downtime

End-end Big Data Lake Disaster Recovery

Cloud data access with AD/LDAP integration

Data migration from Enterprise Data Warehouse to Big Data Lake (no intermediate landing)

Full, incremental backup with data configuration details

Incremental backup of snapshot data

Real-time replication of live HBase clusters

Simultaneous data masking and transfer

Custom masking

Vendor Lock-in

Why MLens?

Powerful Data Merging
Secure Data Masking
User-controlled parallelism and resource allocation
Data Migration - Cluster to Cluster

You're in good company.

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Reach out to us at sales@knowledgelens.com